Are you aware that you might have unclaimed funds waiting for you after a tax sale or foreclosure? At Home & Credit Pros, we specialize in helping Georgians like you recover these excess funds effortlessly.
🔍 What Are Excess Funds?
Excess funds, also known as surplus funds or overages, occur when the sale of a property at a tax auction or foreclosure generates more money than is needed to cover the debt and associated costs. These extra funds rightfully belong to the property owner, and we're here to ensure you get every dollar you deserve.
🤝 How We Can Help
Our dedicated team of experts understands the intricacies of Georgia's real estate and foreclosure laws. We work tirelessly to identify and recover your excess funds quickly and efficiently, so you can put that money to better use.
Please, give us a call or complete the form below to get in touch with us.